Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Is the best solution to the problems plaguing the US immigration system to export nearly all immigrants and start over?

            Exporting nearly all immigrants and starting over is, in my opinion, the worst solution in order to resolve the problems plaguing the US immigration system. This proposition is one that is totally disconnected from the current challenges that face western societies. First of all, this will lead to a situation of extreme polarization between different cultural groups in American society. Citizens and residents of the country that have immigrant backgrounds will feel discriminated against and not welcomed anymore. This could lead to more confrontation and conflict that could very well result in civilian casualties, a situation that is already happening in the United States. Second of all, the American economy cannot afford to lose the workforce that immigrants provide for its economy. The United States’ economic strength and power relies to a big extent on their contribution. This loss could hurt the American economy in an irreversible way.

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