In my view, the mass of digital media and information carries trough various dimensional channels - such as videos or short vines on social media platforms, short texts in media posts, photographs on Instagram or even audio snippets. It has come a long way of development, and increases even further in number.
The Problem however, is that creative ideas and media are nowadays such an important part of our life that we are facing the situation that this marketplace is slowly losing it´s impact on people.
Today, it has become a habit that ads by advertising companies or even local newspaper bureaus are part of the daily newsfeed we check in a regular basis on our social channels. A video trailer here, an ad for the new BMW motorcar there or the announcement of the weekend´s fruit and vegetable market place… media is often financed trough ads, but notably, these ads more and more seem to drown in the mass of information we are confronted with when looking on our digital devices.
This also illustrates another major concern: Because we are so focused on electronical devices, the impact text and graphics normally have on us is becoming rather dull. We don´t perceive important media and creative processes, creative ideas anymore the way we used to. We are losing the ability to distinguish between „real“ and „digital“ information.
Our selective perception of the information that is floating around in the internet is threatened, because the mass of the marketplace of ideas and media is a 24/7 subject of our everyday life. In the near future for example, this can become even more alarming with the uprise of the internet of things. The integration of wearables or connected cars and refrigerators and the use of artificial intelligence will require even more of our attention. The question is: how do we protect ourselves from being influenced too much by this critical mass of information?
Luckily, we do have ears. So, we can communicate with other people, if we don´t always have our earplugs in. Sometimes, hearing is even more important than watching or reading. And if we do hear, we usually react vocally if we are around other people. We must ensure that we interact with other people on a regular basis. If not, we end up like the protagonist in the movie „her“: Our live get´s structured entirely by our digital perception and interaction.
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