Monday, February 6, 2017

Does the marketplace of ideas and media leave us overwhelmed and disaffected?

Media can be encountered everywhere. And nowadays everyone is carrying at least one device who can visualize media with them. Often, we cannot distinguish between advertisement and ‘’real’’ information. Intellectual property and copyrights are ignored and by this originality is becoming more and more rare on internet platforms such as Facebook or YouTube. To illustrate this phenomenon, I am using an example: An artist is sharing a drawing on his/her social media site, the content is shared by one of his or her followers and finally stolen from a social media page taking credit for the content without acknowledging the creator. But who is responsible for al these problems and these overwhelming amounts of medial representations? We all are. Kind of. We are not interested in origins and truth behind the contend we encounter, the process of really finding out would take too much time and at the end we still could not be sure if what we read on the internet is true or a lie.

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