Monday, February 6, 2017

Can traditional journalism survive in the media environment we have today?

Smartphones are taking over the world. There is no possibility to walk past a group of people and not see at least one person reading on a device. That can be concerning for news organisations. Unlike many web versions of news websites, Facebook can offer articles with smartphone friendly layouts. This feature is called ‘’Instant Articles’’, it allows the user to have a fast access to information. On the other hand, these recent developments cause financial problems for news and media websites because there is no need to leave Facebook to read the articles. But can traditional journalism survive in such environment? Unlikely. The platforms might me changing but also strategies for luring readers are having concerning dimensions. Sensationalism has always had its way in the media but is now almost scamming potential readers for clicks on article links. With these major changes, easy accsessabitliy is becoming more important than supporting these who provide news articles and shock value is more important than reliable information.

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