Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) installed in 2014 is the most influential change in the American healthcare system since the beginning of governmental involvement with the subject. First of all, the goal is to provide health insurance for most Americans. In other words, PPACA is intended to drastically reduce the total of 50 million uninsured people and have them covered by health insurance by 2027.
The idea of PPACA consists in the fact that the overall costs of healthcare can be reduced if most people pay into an insurance system. Therefore, PPACA requires almost all US citizens and legal residents to buy insurance. Second, it is setting out ways to provide subsidies for those who cannot afford insurance as well as giving incentives for companies to provide health cover. Health insurance exchanges, then, are installed as a means to help individuals find the right plan for their situation. Finally, PPACA means that individuals, companies and insurers who do not comply with the Act will be fined.
The implementation of PPACA, also known as Obamacare, has already seen a rise in insured people. Mainly young people, but also those who were previously denied coverage for pre-existing medical conditions were able to eventually get covered. But of course, there are critical voices that claim that the reforms made the federal government overstep its bounds. How much of the reforms persist once the new government is in place, remains to be seen.

Aaron's Edit:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) installed in 2014 is the most influential change [prep - ^to]  the American healthcare system since the beginning of governmental involvement with the subject. First of all, the goal is to provide health insurance for most Americans. In other words, PPACA is intended to drastically reduce the total of 50 million uninsured people and have them covered by health insurance by 2027.
The (idea) [reg - ^intention] of [det - ^the] PPACA (consists in the fact that) [foc,coh,M - ^is to reduce] the overall costs of healthcare (can be reduced if) [s.a - ^ by having] most people pay into an insurance system. Therefore, PPACA requires almost all US citizens and legal residents to buy insurance. Second, it (is setting out) [T/Asp - ^sets out]  ways to provide subsidies for those who cannot afford insurance as well as (giving) [s.a. - ^give] incentives for companies to provide health (cover) [WF - ^coverage]. Health insurance exchanges, then, are installed as a means to help individuals find the right plan for their situation. Finally, PPACA means that individuals, companies and insurers who do not comply with the Act will be fined.

The implementation of PPACA, also known as Obamacare, has already seen a rise in insured people. Mainly young people, but also those who were previously denied coverage for pre-existing medical conditions were able to eventually get covered. But of course, there are critical voices that claim that the reforms made the federal government overstep its bounds. How much of the reforms persist once the new government is in place, remains to be seen.

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