Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Importance of American and British media in Germany

Over the last decades, American culture has influenced European culture more and more, with the media playing one of the most important roles. In Germany, we take a huge interest in political and social happenings in America and Great Britain and make sure to inform ourselves. An example for that would be the forthcoming US-election. We know that the results will not only affect America but also the whole world, including Germany. Therefore, we strongly engange in the topic. In addition to that, the American and British media give us a broad and better understanding of global affairs and widen our knowledge about the rest of the world. Moreover, American and British movies and TV Shows have arrived in Germany, providing us with entertainment different from what we have. After all, most movies that we watch were produced in America. Another benefit might also be the cultural knowledge one gains from American and British media. Not only does it help us to learn more about these country’s politics, but also about their people and their values. Furthermore, we need to ask ourselves the most important question of all: How bored would we be without HBO or BBC shows? ;)

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